• Parents need to read aloud to their children on a daily basis! Listed below are some conversation starters for fiction and nonfiction text! Enjoy sharing books with your children! Choose only one conversation starter per book!

    Fiction Conversation Starters
    Would you like to live where the story takes place? Why or why not?
    Which character from the story would you choose to be your friend? Why?
    Create a new ending to the story, how would it end differently?
    Find your favorite part of the book and read it aloud.
    Is there another book that has something in common with this one?
    Pick one character from the story. Who does he/she remind you of in your life?
    What would you have done differently if you were ____________ in the story?

    Nonfiction Conversation Starters
    What was the most interesting fact from the text?
    What connection did you make with the topic?
    What is something you might like to learn more about this topic?
    Talk about an interesting photograph or illustration in the book.